I know, I know. Its been a while. Over three full months since Brian and I were married and here I sit FINALLY taking a quick break from sharing others images to share some of the amazing (and not-so-amazing. …think lots, and lots of rain:-) moments that made up our destination wedding in the Dominican Republic.
Though the stories are too many to even begin to share them all. (as well as the images…as you can imagine the photographs were EXTREMELY important to us so it was probably the most-documented, 38 person wedding in history!) I thought I would start by sharing our rehearsal dinner with you.
To begin: the moment Bri and I locked down on the DR for our wedding we began researching ways to allow our guests the opportunity to experience the DR. …Searching, to perhaps locate a place or 2 that was a bit ‘once in a lifetime.’ We felt we may have located one of those types of places when we chose our rehearsal dinner venue–The Castle Club.
The Castle Club is a private residence approximately “30 minutes” from the villa where we were stayed and our wedding took place. (The proprietors moved to the DR from the US to make a dream of theirs come true. They built a ‘castle’ in the mountains open only by reservation offering the most amazing views and known for their incredible sunsets.) We could hardly wait!
Now-imagine this: a semi-rickety looking bus (complete with tasseled curtains) arrives to escort you and your nearest and dearest. You spend the next hour and a half making your way through small towns and a very large POLITICAL RALLY! (we happened to be in the DR during one of the most ‘interesting’ election years just a few days from the election itself.) Now imagine as you begin to ascend very, very steep terrain (nearly an hour late for your reservation..) it begins to pour. A full-fledged monsoon of sorts. You could have heard a pin drop on that bus (with the exception my 3-year-old niece who proclaimed “I scared.” until we reached the top) ….15 minutes past sunset. (whomp-whomp)
HOWEVER…we then entered one of the most beautiful and unique places I have yet to visit. We cracked open wine and waited for as our meal was prepared. (Bri and our 2 photographers sneaked away to capture some pretty amazing images too) and then enjoyed our meal. ) …And, since fully explaining the charm of the Castle Club is proving to be a challenge for me I will just go ahead share images. (ah, but of course!)
Though we contended with rain, rallies, a late meal, a bit of a food shortage and some very jet-lagged family members that could have tempered our enjoyment of the pre-curser to our wedding; Brian and I have decided it was such a unique and beautiful experience we will most certainly be back on our anniversary to visit again. ….and definitely before sunset:-)
**Special thanks to our (2) Amazing Photographers, Trevor (Trevor Dayley Photography) and Stephen (BlueSky) as well as my dear friend Camille who stepped in as our ‘bi-lingual voice of reason’ and assisted with day-of coordination for both our rehearsal and wedding day.
It was amazing.