Ashley and Joe have such a cute love story. Ashley spent a short amount of time teaching school in south Georgia where she fell in love with a catfish farmer, named Joe. They now live in Colorado together. They’ll be tying the knot in about a month here in Winston Salem and I can’t wait! Just so you know – the cat in a few photo’s at the mill, is not their cat – he just wanted to join in on the photos and we were happy to include him in a few. You really never know what will happen during a photo shoot. About half way through the session, we were taking photos down by he creek and they saw a snake – let’s just say we wrapped things up at that spot pretty quickly. Then we arrived at the lake a little before Sunset. We had just got to a perfect spot by the tree I took a few photos without flash and had just set up my lights for some more photos when the ranger yelled at us to wrap things up on a speaker from across the lake. Haha… I of course took a few more and then we headed out of there. In our defense we were not the only ones still there, there were plenty of people still fishing – we were probably just the most obvious ones with a flash going off every few seconds. I’m often faces with time restraints and other obstacles on wedding days and shoots which can make it difficult to get great photos – but that is where experience comes in. The more time you put into photos the more creative and awesome they’ll be… but with almost 10 years of wedding photography experience I can still get some pretty good stuff in a very limited amount of time too. That is why it is always important to hire a professional WEDDING photographer if photos are a priority to you. Wedding photographers have to be able to adapt and roll with the punches. Often times even amazing portrait photographers without wedding experience are not equipped to deal with such restraints and obstacles… and I digress.Hope you enjoy their photos!