And Our 2012 BlueSky Bride is….

So…who wants to know who was chosen as our 2012 BlueSky Bride???  After 20 comments are posted below..we will announce!  (Yes…we are teases… ha)


  1. Brandon says:

    Tell us!! These brides must be nervous wrecks!!

  2. Jessica says:

    Tell us Please! Why are you putting these girls through this!

    • Bluesky says:

      @ Jessica Stanley….Putting them through this???? We are donating our time and over $4000 of wedding photography??? We hope they are excited…just trying to make it fun as we type up the blog post announcement after hand counting/verifying 3000 email addresses!! 🙂

  3. Jessica J says:

    Im dying! Can’t wait to her!!!

  4. Jessica J says:

    Ooops *hear

  5. Melissa says:

    We are dying to know!

  6. Phoebe says:

    Hurry up and tell us, you’re gonna give the brides an anxiety attack!

  7. Phoebe says:


  8. Taylor says:

    YAAAYYY!!! So excited AND nervous!!!

  9. Karissa says:

    Let’s hear who the lucky bride is!!

  10. Taylor says:

    YAAAY!! So excited AND nervous 🙂

  11. Seth says:

    Who won the contest

  12. rdawg says:


  13. joy says:

    we must know!!!!!!!

  14. Michelle says:

    Come on….tell us already!

  15. josh says:


  16. tommy says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh share!

  17. tamera says:

    tell us

  18. Danny says:

    This isn’t very nice making them wait even longer. I really hope I’m Comment #20. PS-I’m popping Xanax in anticipation.

  19. betty says:

    we are waiting!

  20. Josh says:

    So does the blue sky comment count as one of the 20?

  21. Ana says:

    set the truth free!

  22. Ann says:

    We are so excited!

  23. Rana says:


  24. Lauren C. says:


  25. Lauren says:

    Cant wait!!!

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