I love every session. I really do. Cliche’ as it may be–having the ability to document a certain day, week, moment in someone’s life really is an honor. But somedays….something just ‘clicks’…a combination of circumstances, lighting, happiness or chaos…the moment is just ‘perfect.’ And this session, ladies and gentlemen was one of those.
When I met the Kalgren family ‘littlest’ had just hit the scene. I walked in to a babe needing to be changed, a toddler running about half dressed and ‘mom’ handing me a stack of outfit changes the size to Texas. She then she turned to me and said the most magical phrase I can ever hear on a session ….’just photograph anything you want to.’ Music to my ears!
If you follow this blog you already know what I absolutely L_O_V_E in any session is capturing an authentic moment. I ‘get’ wanting a ‘beautiful/perfect’ image (and we surely try and grab a few of those during every session…but I will sell that down the river any day for a true and real capture of a moment you can never get back. TRUST me on this…in years to come, you will like seeing yourself/spouse/children etc. smiling with a sparkle in the eyes looking into the camera…but you will LOVE the image of the dog walking into your family photograph and licking you face, your hubby stepping on your wedding dress stopping you mid-walk resulting in a fit of laughter or in this case…your toddler attempting to feed your newborn ‘Smarties.’
Shortly after mom giving me full reign a tu-tued/rainbooted/topless toddler rounds the corner–the piles of pretty dresses hit a couch arm…and we were off to the races! (Miss Sydney had picked her own attire. To me…perfection.)
Cassandra.. I am in LOVE with your work.. I can’t wait to have another baby so you can photograph our family again. This session is adorable!
the last picture is priceless