Today marks the end of my Lighting class with the amazing Bill Lusk. (check him out What a enjoyably tough ride! I was definitely out of my league being in a class with professional photographers, graphic designers etc. having never shot in manual and never taken a photo without utilizing natural light. (there were a few of us ‘novices’ trying to hold our own though.) All in all, I learned a ton and and know I want to do SOMETHING with this. The question is…what next??
Mac was good enough to still be my model after a long night of work. The weather was nasty–hot, gray and just plain flat. But I wanted to shoot outdoors to see if I could apply what I had learned in class to my favored light source. So….just a gray day and a giant, silver reflector. The assignment was to demonstrate ’emptiness.’ Though I believe this has been done before. (RR tracks…) I still really like them and she looks like an angel. (albeit, a sad one…)
Wow! Nice work Cassandra!!! You've shown an amazing amount of growth! These are fabulous!